Plumber supply truck showed up nice and early with all sorts of pipe and pipe accessories
Okay, so the plumbers are working at the shop today laying some serious pipe. There's about 4 guys on the crew working like plumbing ninjas getting the pipe laid. Since we're on a time crunch, they decided to take a calculated short cut and bypass the "48-hour Notice to Shut off Water" to the 400 people living above our space. The guys needed to remove a section of the main sewage drain and replace it with a piece that will allow us to tie into the system. So they broke out this nifty ballooning device that allowed them to temporarily plug up the main pipe, cut the piece, remove it, and replace with the proper one. Suffice to say, they deflated the balloon a minute too soon and BAM! An Old Faithful-style shit geyser erupted and 2 poor guys got a golden shower of sorts. Of course my jaw was on the floor. My fight or flight kicked in and I chose the latter. Once they contained the leak everyone had a good laugh. Actually, the guy who was covered head-to-toe wasn't laughing at all. My handkerchief offer was quickly followed by some choice spanish words, no doubt deserved.
1) Calm before the storm. 2)The owner of the plumbing shop, arms thicker than my thighs
1) Here's a shot of the dude who got it the worst. 2) The Honey Hole filled with all the good stuff. Notice all the suds. Pantene or Irish Spring?
1) One of the cats working hard to make sure Fat Angel has a good vent
1) The future home of a floor sink and grease trap
So we finally have some momentum on our side. Rough plumbing should be done by next Wednesday. City inspection soon to follow. Fill the holes with concrete by next Friday and all the walls go up the week after next. Guess I better make sure we have furniture to fill the space. This sucker is going up quick! -JK
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