We have finally started construction! There's actually piles of rock and dirt all over our place. I even saw random fast food bags and cups strewn about, so you
know it's a real construction site. They started trenching the plumbing lines last Thursday. Saw cutting the concrete, jack hammering, and then digging, all very exciting and manly stuff. I felt my testosterone jump a few levels when the guy let me use the jack hammer. Can't believe he has all his fillings. You feel the tingling in your arms hours after you stop.

Jack Hammer Guy and piles of dirt

Some of the plumbing trenches. The concrete is 4" thick so it's not too bad for the guys
to get through to the dirt.

This is what I call the "Honey Hole". That hole and thick pipe (not the gray one) is where
we tie into the sewer line. All the pipes have to be on a slope ending here.

Father son team of Great Wall Construction. Robert Chou and son Tommy. We decided last minute to use Great Wall as they are a smaller operation that can meet our budget and time frame. Robert is
Cyrick's godfather, too, so we've known them for a while.
Still a ton of work to be done. Thank God for the good network of talented people we have to help on this project.