-John Steinbeck
Choice words. Choice words, indeed. Today we tilled the soil. Our backs breaking under the heavy loads of dirt. We worked our 60 sf of earth today, amending the soil and making the perfect home for our new herb plants. The big planting day is tomorrow. Come time for the restaurant opening, we should have ourselves quite the bounty of organic herbs to use in our cooking. Take a look!
This city kid had NEVER even seen a shovel before today.
I'm a better foreman than laborer.
Cyrick found his true talent today and that's rooting out roots. Look at the size of this one! Chairman Mao would be so happy.
We used Organic Redwood Compost. I've always been partial to Miracle Grow but I was voted down.
Don't pretend you're not jealous. That is one fine plot of land we worked. We're installing the razor wire and land mines tomorrow just in case a wayward dog or kid decides to get wise.
The project is moving along at a steady pace. We'll keep you up to date on how the plants take to their new home. A little water, a lot of sun, and pinch of love should do the trick. Let's hope our thumbs look like my shirt! JK
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