Monday, November 2, 2009

How a store front is built, ep. 1

This is how it all begins. The makings of a store front.

The fabrication of Fat Angel's new store front has started, we got the go ahead from our GC to start the outside work.

This is a prequel of what you read prior. The temp wall has to go up before we remove the existing store front.

Now that it's up, the real fun begins.

J just taking a final look at what is to be removed.

Right after we got the green light from Robert to start on the store front demo, Tommy got this big grin on his face. Wonder what he's thinking.

It's go time for organized destruction!

Alex is a great addition. His strength helps push things along much faster.

Of course, we can't forget Eddie the Guat, the human wrecking ball.

So this is how a tired old store front is gently removed to make room for what is to come.

Stay tuned for more on, How a store front is built. --CH

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